Home GO2014 GO.33 Medical Reibursement in Telangana valid upto 30th Nov 2014

GO.33 Medical Reibursement in Telangana valid upto 30th Nov 2014

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GO.MS.No. 33 Dated: 13-11-2014 Telangana Govt has issued orders that Health Cards Scheme will be implemented from 1st Nov. But to switch over to new Scheme, Now it has been decided that Medical Reimbursement and Employees Health Scheme should run in parallel from 1st Nov 2014 to 30th Nov 2014, means both scheme will be valid upto 30th Nov 2014. Details of the Order is as follows:
Health, Medical & Family Welfare Department – Employees Health Scheme – Providing Cashless medical treatment to the State Government Employees, Pensions and their dependent family members – Certain Modification Orders – Issued.

GO.33 Medical Reibursement in Telangana valid upto 30th Nov 2014

Read the following:-

  • 1) G.O.Ms.No. 174, HM & FW (M2) Department, dt. 01.11.2013. 
  • 2) G.O.Ms.No. 175. HM & FW (M2) Department, dt: 01-11-2013. 
  • 3) G.O.Ms.No. 176, HM & FW (M2) Department, dt: 01-11-2013. 
  • 4) G.O.Ms.No. 32, HM & FW (A2) Department, drt: 03-11-2013. 

O R D E R:-

  1. In the reference 4th read above orders have been issued for implementing cashless treatment under Employees Health Scheme with effect from 01-11-2014:- 
  2. 2. It has been brought to the notice of the Government by the employees unions that the staff may take few days to understand the new scheme and also the hospital may also take some more time to receive instructions from the Government. Therefore, they have requested to postpone the implementation of the employees health scheme. 
  3. 3. Government after careful examination of the and in orders to how smooth switch over to new scheme, matter hereby modify the orders to the effect that both the schemes of reimbursement and the employees Health Scheme shall run in parallel from 1.11.2014 to 30-11-2014.

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