Home GO2014 GO.5 Telangana State Planning Board Constituted TSPB

GO.5 Telangana State Planning Board Constituted TSPB

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GO.5 Dated 18.12.14 Telangana State Planning Board Constituted. Govt of Telangana has constituted TSPB for development of State and to strengthen the planning machinery in order to provide necessary inputs for efficient utilization of State’s resources and to revolve a perspective plan on development of the State to ensure inclusive growth.

GO.5 Telangana State Planning Board Constituted TSPB

O R D E R:
2. Accordingly, the Government hereby constitute the Telangana State Planning Board with the following compostion:

  1. 1. Chief Minister : Chairman
  2. 2. Minister for Finance & : ex-officio Vice Chairman Planning
  3. 3. Vice Chairman : to be nominated by the Government
  4. 4. Chief Secretary : Member
  5. 5. Principal Finance : Member Secretary
  6. 6. Experts from various : to be co-opted as Members, fields as decided by the Govt from time to time
  7. 7. Principal Secretary : Member- Secretary Planning
  • 3. The main functions of the Telangana State Planning Board shall be, as follows:
  1. a) To advise the State Government on creation of appropriate institutions and procedures to achieve the objectives of growth;
  2. b) To monitor and evaluate the levels of economic development, including the implementation of various developmental schemes and departmental activities;
  3. c) To advise the State Government on any matter relating to the development of the State;
  4. d) To advise the State Government on the formulation of annual plans and perspective plans, including the Five Year Plans.
  • 4. The Board shall meet as frequently and for such duration, as is required. The procedure for conduct of the business of the Board shall be as decided by the Board itself. Secretarial support as necessary for the conduct of the meetings shall be provided by the Planning Department.
  • 5. All Departments shall extend their full co-operation to the Board by providing expeditiously all the statistical data and such other information as is required from time to time. The Departments shall also keep the Board informed about the policy initiatives taken both at Central and State level, in the respective sectors.

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