Memo.70 RMSA New Head of Accounts for Telangana State RMSA

Memo.No.70/A11/2014-15(1) Dated 20.1.2015 Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyaan RMSA New Head of Accounts. Government of India has changed the Head of Account of the Central Plan Scheme “Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyaan RMSA to Central Assisted State Plan Scheme with Head of Account 2202-02-109-12-05. Hence Telangana State Government has also changed the RMSA Account as follows:

2202-General Education
02-Secondary Education
MH (109) Government Secondary Schools
GH (12) Centrally Assisted State Plan Schemes
SH (05) RMSA.

The Copy is given below for reference.

Memo.70 RMSA New Head of Accounts for Telangana State RMSA

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