TS Rc.212 DEOs can issue Passport NOCs for Telangana Teachers

Telangana Rc .No. 212/Ser,IV-2/2014 dated, 26.02.2015. DSE of Telangana has delegeted powers to District Education Officers/ RJDs of Telangana State to issue NOC (No Objection Certificates) for issue of Passport to Teachers working in Telangana State. NOC is mandatory for obtaining Passport. Till now due to delay in issuing NOCs, it is getting huge delay in obtaining passport. After this decision of DSE and delegation of powers to issue NOC, it is very easy for Teachers to obtain Passport. The NOC for SGTs, LPs, PETs, School Assistants will be issued by DEOs and Passport NOC for Gz. Head Masters will be issued by RJDs. Details are as follows..

TS Rc.212 DEOs can issue Passport NOCs for Telangana Teachers

  • Sub: School Education – Issue of No Objection Certificate for obtaining pass port to the teachers / Head Masters I MEOs -Delegation of powers – Issued – Reg, 
  • Ref: Govt. of India fv1EA memorandum No, VI/401/01/05/2008, dated.05.10 2009. 
  1. The Regional Joint Directors of School Educations and District Educational Officers in the State are informed that, in terms of Orders issued by the Government of India, Ministry of External Affairs with regard to the issue of passport to the State Government employees wherein it was ordered for requirement of No Objection Certificate in respect of the Government. Employees for obtaining the Indian Passport. As per Para (3) (a) that The Government employees /PSU employees employees of Municipal Corporations / Constitutional bodies, etc, would have an option to subject either existing IC (format modified to include nationality, and is enclosed) or NOC (without certification of Section 6(2) of Passports Act; format is enclosed), If NOC is submitted. passport will be issued without police verification: and if NOC is submitted, passport will be issued on post-police verification basis”. 
  2. The Regional Joint Directors of School Educations and District Educational Officers in the State are further informed that, there are more than one lakh teachers working in 10 Districts of Telangana State and the requests for issue of No Objection Certificates for obtaining passports from all the District Educational Officers are coming to the office of the Commissioner & Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad. The No Objection Certificate to the leathers for obtaining pass port are being issued by the Joint Director of School Education, after verifying the particulars furnished by the District Educational Officers i.e_ application form, declaration, certificates, identity certificate. Arinexure-B, No allegation, No Charges / criminal cases, No Dues, No vigilance cases etc, duly verifying the purpose of visit etc. 
  3. The Regional Joint Directors of School Education is the appointing authority for the post of Gazetted HM Gr.II and MEO, the District Educational Officer is the appointing authority for the posts of School Assistants, SGTs, LPs. PETs etc. The present system of issue of No Objection Certificate for obtaining passport is based on the particulars / data furnished by them, 
  4. The guidelines / rules of the Passport Act also stipulated that, the employee / teacher has to furnish an Affidavit / Annexure-I duly giving all the details, the appointing authority after verifying all the details in terms of Passport Act has to  issue No Objection Certificate in Annexure-8 certifying the identity of the employee I teacher, present place of posting, employee ID and recommendation of No Objection Certificate for obtaining the passport duly verifying whether there are any adverse remarks against the individual in terms of Section 6(2) of Indian Passport Act etc. 
  5. Since, the said certificate can be issued by the appointing authority / disciplinary authority as they are more aware of the track record / antecedents of the employee / teacher it will be more appropriate to delegate the powers of issue of No Objection Certificate for obtaining passport to the appointing authorities.
  6. Therefore, the powers of Issue of No Objection Certificate for issue of Passport is hereby delegated to the Regional Joint Directors of School Education in respect of the Post of Gazetted Head Masters and MEOs and to the District Education Officers for the Post of School Assistants, SGTs, LPS, PETs, working in ZP/MPP/Govt Schools w.e.f 1.3.2015. 

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